Newsletter - March 14, 2023

Spring Break! I had/have so much planned. Reading/writing, time with the kids, exploring some colleges for my oldest, hanging out with friends, relaxing. I was SUPPOSED to be done with a big project at work, but because a storm took out our power, it pushed into Spring Break. And we were supposed to be chillin' with friends on Sunday, but we ended up with two grandparents in the hospital and switched gears. Still sorting that out.

I am reading, though! Right now, I'm reading The Fragments, by Minu Frietag. Kindle tells me I'm 27% through. Surely more by the time I send this email. I'm really enjoying it, but I'll wait and tell you why once I finish it.

I'll be brief, because I want to get back to all the things I meant to do over Spring Break. I'm still in editing mode for my next book (second pass editing, which sometimes requires grand/sweeping changes that take time). The contract with the artist is finished, but he is out of town this week, so I cannot take advantage of Spring Break to get started.

Oh. I'm going to hype this up soon, because it is very exciting for me. I'm going to go on Fiction Fans podcast, recording at the end of March, and I think it will air in April. I've listened to those ladies for more than a year--it is the only podcast I have stuck with. (Covid messed up my podcast habits, as I tend to listen only in the car). So I'm super excited to be on it (super-nervous too, but I have to admit, where I shunned things that made me nervous as a child, I have slight cravings for them now).

That's it. Back to writing for me... :)

o To-Do list for writing last week:

  • Email updates
  • Re-read MoT and make notes for corrections.
  • Keep poking ahead on the next book(s) to convince myself it will all come together. <-- that's orange, meaning i didn't really do it, though I made some mental progress.

o To-Do list for writing this week:

  • Email updates
  • Re-read MoT and make notes for corrections.
  • Keep poking ahead on the next book(s) to convince myself it will all come together.

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​​May you get lost this week in another world.


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Steven J Morris

Hi! If you enjoy fantasy with snarky humor, I've got some books for you. My newsletter takes you along the creative journey, and keeps you informed of what's brewing.

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